Celebrated with grandeur and devotion in the Hindu tradition, Diwali is considered to be the most auspicious festival in India. This prosperous and divine festival is also known to be as the festival of lights. In India, the coming of this festival sets a happy-go-lucky vibe in people and paves a way for celebration marking the win of good over evil.
Filling our hearts with happiness, seeing our houses adorned with lights and diyas and celebrating with our loved ones, Diwali festival has a lot more to offer than this with the blessings of Goddess Laxmi. Basically, Diwali is celebrated on the new moon day i.e. Amavasya in the month of Kartik based on the Vikram Samvat Hindu Calendar. Since immemorial, Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped on Diwali with the belief that they will bless their devotees with wealth, prosperity, happiness and knowledge, wisdom respectively.
Significance of performing Laxmi Puja on Diwali
On Diwali, Goddess Laxmi is considered to be as the most significant deity. It is believed that Laxmi Mata roams on the earth on Diwali night and blesses her devotees. People in India perform Laxmi Puja vidhi and Laxmi Mata Aarti with the faith that the goddess will bless them and their family with prosperity, wealth and happiness. To begin the Lakshmi Poojan, the devotees lit diyas, make rangoli, wear new clothes, clean their houses and open the doors and windows of their home to welcome Laxmi Mata and receive her blessings for a prosperous year ahead.
So, as Laxmi Mata is considered to be the goddess of wealth, the Laxmi Puja Vidhi and Laksmi Mata Aarti is performed to invite wealth and prosperity to the homes.
Laxmi Puja Vidhi
To let abundance, enter your home and invoke the blessings of Goddess Laxmi, perform the below mentioned steps of Laxmi Puja Vidhi and commensate with Laxmi Mata Aarti on Diwali night. To begin your Lakshmi Poojan, you must buy a new idol/statue of Laxmi Mata and offer your prayers to the goddess by doing his Laxmi Puja Vidhi:
The below detailed Laxmi Pujan Vidhi are also known as Shodashopachara Puja, a form of Laxmi Poojan on Diwali:
Dhyan or Meditation
The Laxmi Puja Vidhi must begin with placing the new Laxmi Mata idol and with the meditation of her. While meditating Goddess Laxmi, you should chant the following lakshmi puja mantra to meditate her beautiful image and to invite her dwell in the home of the devotee and bring fortune and good luck with her.
Ya Sa Padmasanastha Vipul-Kati-Tati Padma-Patrayatakshi,
Gambhirartav-Nabhih Stana-Bhara-Namita Shubhra-Vasttariya।
Ya Lakshmirdivya-Roopairmani-Gana-Khachitaih Svapita Hema-Kumbhaih,
Sa Nityam Padma-Hasta Mam Vasatu Grihe Sarva-Maangalya-Yukta॥
Aavahan or Invocation
Following the dhyan, in front of the idol of Laxmi Mata, you must chant the below mantra by joining both palms and folding both thumbs inwards. This mantra is chanted to invoke Laxmi Mata and to request her to come and accept the Lakshmi poojan offered to her.
Aagachchha Dev-Deveshi! Tejomayi Maha-Lakshmi!
Kriyamanam Maya Pujaam, Grihaan Sur-Vandite!
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devi Aavahayami ॥
Pushpanjali Asana
As the name translates, this is a form of Yoga posture in which you must take five flowers and join your hands. By offering 5 flowers you request Goddess Laxmi to take her flower-made seat adorned with gold and jewels. With chanting the following mantra, you must leave the flowers in front of the Lakshmi idol.
Nana-Ratna-Samayuktam, Karta-Swar-Vibhushitam।
Aasanam Dev-Devesh! Preetyartham Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Aasanarthe Panch-Pushpani Samarpayami ॥
Swagat or Welcome
Following the offerings of flowers, you welcome the goddess of wealth by chanting the following mantra:
Shri Lakshmi-Devi! Swagatam
Padya or Feet
After welcoming Laxmi mata, you must offer water to wash the feet of the goddess by chanting the following mantra:
Padyam Grihaan Deveshi, Sarva-Kshema-Samarthe, Bhoh!
Bhaktya Samarpitam Devi, Maha-Lakshmi! Namoastu Te॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Padyam Namah ॥
Arghya or Libation of Water
Next performed in laxmi poojan worship, you must offer water, mixed with Chandan, flower and rice for head Abhishekam and chant the following mantra:
Namaste Dev-Deveshi! Namaste Kamal-Dharini!
Namaste Shri Maha-Lakshmi, Dhanada-Devi! Arghyam Grihaan।
Gandha-Pushpakshatairyuktam, Phal-Dravya-Samanvitam॥
Grihaan Toyamarghyarthan, Parameshwari Vatsale!
॥Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Arghyam Swaha॥
Snana or Bath
The following matra is chanted in laxmi poojan while offering water to the idol for bath.
Snapitasi Maya Devi Tatha Shantim Kurushva Me॥
Adityavarne Tapasoadhijato Vanaspatistava Vrikshoatha Bilvah।
Tasya Phalani Tapasa Nudantu Mayantarayashcha Bahya Alakshmih।
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Jalasnanam Samarpayami ॥
Panchamrita Snana or Bath of mixture of 5 ingredients used in worship
By chanting the following mantra in laxmi poojan, offer panchamrita bath to Lakshmi mata:
Dadhi Madhu Ghratashchaiva Payashcha Sharkarayutam।
Panchamritam Samanitam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥
Om Panchanadyah Saraswatimapiyanti Sasrotasah।
Saraswati Tu Panchadhasodeshebhavat Sarit॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Panchamritasnanam Samarpayami ॥
- Gandha Snana or Scent Bath
After the panchamtrita bath, you must chant the below mantra and offer scent bath to Lakshmi mata.
Om Malayachalasambhutam Chandanagarusambhavam।
Chandanam Devadeveshi Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Gandhasnanam Samarpayami ॥
- Shuddha Snana or Pure Bath
Now with pure water, offer bath to Goddess Lakshmi and chant the below mantra:
Mandakinyastu Yadvari Sarvapapaharam Shubham।
Tadidam Kalpitam Tubhyam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Shuddhodakasnanam Samarpayami ॥
- Vasta or Clothes
In the hindu tradition, moli or red-yellow sacred thread is considered to be clothes. So, next in this Lakshmi puja vidhi, you must offer moli as new clothes to Goddess Laxmi by chanting this mantra:
Divyambaram Nutanam Hi Kshaumam Tvatimanoharam।
Diyamanam Maya Devi Grihana Jagadambike॥
Upaitu Mam Devasakhah Kirtishch Manina Saha।
Pradurbhuto Surashtreasmin Kirtimriddhi Dadatu Me॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Vastram Samarpayami ॥
- Madhuparka or a mixture of milk and honey
Following the offering of clothes, you must chant the below mantra and offer a mixture of milk and honey to Shri Lakshmi.
Om Kapilam Dadhi Kundendudhavalam Madhusamyutam।
Swarnapatrasthitam Devi Madhuparkam Grihana Bhoh॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Madhuparkam Samarpayami ॥
- Abhushana or Jewellery
As a part of Lakshmi Puja Vidhi, after offering milk and honey, you must offer jewellery to Laxmi mata and chant the following mantra:
Ratnakankada Vaiduryamuktaharayutani Cha।
Suprasannena Manasa Dattani Swikurushwa Me॥
Kshuptipapasamalam Jyeshthamalakshmim Nashayamyaham।
Abhutimasamriddhim Cha Sarvannirnuda Me Grahat॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Abhushanani Samarpayami ॥
- Raktachandana or Sandalwood
Sandalwood in Laxami Pujan is offered next. Chant the below mantra while offering the same to Lakshmi mata idol:
Om Raktachandanasammishram Parijatasamudbhavam
Maya Dattam Grihanashu Chandanam Gandhasamyutam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Raktachandanam Samarpayami ॥
- Sindoor or Vermillion
For Tilak vidhi in the Lakshmi Puja, you should now offer sindoor to the idol and chant the mentioned mantra
Om Sinduram Raktavarnashcha Sinduratilakapriye।
Bhaktya Dattam Maya Devi Sinduram Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Sinduram Samarpayami ॥
- Kumkum or Red Turmeric Powder
Based on the old-age hindu tradition, kumkum is considered to be the symbol of akhandya saubhagya i.e. a happy state of a woman survived by her husband. So next offering to the goddess is made of Kumkum by chanting the mantra in the laxmi poojan as mentioned below:
Abirashcha Gulalam Cha Chova-Chandanameva Cha।
Shringarartham Maya Dattam Grihana Parameshwari॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Abiragulalam Samarpayami ॥
- Abir-Gulal or Red Powder
The auspicious Abira-Gulala or red powder is offered next to Goddess Lakshmi in the laxmi poojan. Chant the following lakshmi puja mantra while offering the same:
Abirashcha Gulalam Cha Chova-Chandanameva Cha।
Shringarartham Maya Dattam Grihana Parameshwari॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Abiragulalam Samarpayami ॥
18. Sugandhita Dravya or Scent
Now in the Lakshmi Puja Vidhi, offer scent to Goddess Lakshmi and chant the following lakshmi puja mantra:
Om Tailani Cha Sugandhini Dravyani Vividhani Cha।
Maya Dattani Lepartham Grihana Parameshwari॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Sugandhita Tailam Samarpayami ॥
19. Akshata or Unbroken Rice
Now in this Lakshmi Puja vidhi, unbroken rice is offered to Lakshmi Matawhile chanting following Mantra.
Akshatashcha Surashreshtha Kumkumaktah Sushobhitah।
Maya Nivedita Bhaktya Pujartham Pratigrihyatam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Akshatan Samarpayami ॥
20. Chandan-Samarpan or Offering Sandal Paste
While chanting the following laxmi poojan mantra, offer Chandan or aromatic Sandal Paste to Lakshmi Mata to rub the body with it as a next part in Laxmi Puja Vidhi:
Shri-Khanda-Chandanam Divyam, Gandhaadayam Sumanoharam।
Vilepanam Maha-Lakshmi! Chandanam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Chandanam Samarpayami ॥
21. Pushpa-Samarpan
Requesting Mata Lakshmi to shower her blessings, you should now offer flowers to her and chant the Mantra given below:
Yatha-Prapta-Ritu-Pushpaih, Vilva-Tulasi-Dalaishcha!
Pujayaami Maha-Lakshmi! Prasida Me Sureshwari!
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Pushpam Samarpayami ॥
22. Anga-Pujan or Worshipping Gods that are her body parts
In this Lakshmi Puja Vidhi, you will now have to worship those Gods who are body parts of Lakshmi Mata. So, you will now have to take Gandha, Akshata and Pushpa in left hand and leave them near to the idol placed with right hand while chanting following lakshmi puja mantra:
Om Chapalaayai Namah Padau Pujayami।
Om Chanchalayai Namah Janunee Pujayami।
Om Kamalayai Namah Katim Pujayami।
Om Katyaayanyai Namah Naabhim Pujayami।
Om Jaganmatrai Namah Jatharam Pujayami।
Om Vishwa-Vallabhaayai Namah Vaksha-Sthalam Pujayami।
Om Kamala-Vaasinyai Namah Hastou Pujayami।
Om Kamala-Patrakshyai Namah Netra-Trayam Pujayami।
Om Shriyai Namah Shirah Pujayami।
23. Ashta-Siddhi Puja or Worshipping Ashta- Siddhi
Now again, you have to take Gandha, Akshata and Pushpa in your left hand and leave them near to the Lakshmi idol with right hand and chant following Mantra to worship Ashta-Siddhi:
Om Animne Namah। Om Mahimne Namah।
Om Garimne Namah। Om Laghimne Namah।
Om Praptyai Namah। Om Prakaamyai Namah।
Om Ishitaayai Namah। Om Vashitaayai Namah।
24. Ashta-Lakshmi Puja or Worshipping Ashta-Lakshmi
After this to perform Ashta-Siddhi Puja, you must offer Akshata, Chandan and flowers to the idol of Lakshmi Mata while chanting the lakshmi puja mantra given below:

Om Aadhya-Lakshmyai Namah। Om Vidhya-Lakshmyai Namah।
Om Saubhagya-Lakshmyai Namah। Om Amrit-Lakshmyai Namah।
Om Kamalakshyai Namah। Om Satya-Lakshmyai Namah।
Om Bhoga-Lakshmyai Namah। Om Yoga-Lakshmyai Namah।
25. Dhoop-Samarpan or Offering Dhoop
Next in this Lakshmi Puja Vidhi, an aromatic Dhoop made of trees’ sap is offered to Lakshmi Mata while chanting the below Mantra:
Vanaspati-Rasodbhuto Gandhaadhyah Sumanoharah।
Aaghreyah Sarva-Devanaam, Dhupoayam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Dhoopam Samarpayami ॥
26. Deep-Samarpan or Offering Diya
You must now light a diya with cottom wick and offer it to Lakshmi Mata will complete devotion to remove the darkness from the world. The diya should be offered while chanting following Mantra.
Sajyam Varti-Sanyuktam Cha, Vahnina Yojitam Mayaa,
Deepam Grihaan Deveshi! Trailokya-Timirapaham।
Bhaktya Deepam Prayachchhaami, Shri Lakshmyai Paratparaayai।
Trahi Maam Niryaad Ghoraad, Deepoayam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Deepam Samarpayami ॥
27. Naivedhya-Samarpan or Offering Meal
A meal is offered to Lakshmi Mata while chanting the lakshmi puja mantra mentioned below. This meal includes sugar made sweets, curd, milk and ghee with other food and drink items. You must request her to accept this meal for all five vital airs of the body.
Sharkara-Khanda-Khadyaani, Dadhi-Ksheera-Ghritaani Cha।
Aaharo Bhakshya-Bhojyam Cha, Naivedhyam Prati-Grihyataam।
॥ Yathamshatah Shri Lakshmyai-Devyai Naivedhyam Samarpayami –
Om Pranaya Swaha। Om Apanaya Swaha।
Om Samanaya Swaha। Om Udanaya Swaha।
Om Vyanaya Swaha॥
28. Achamana-Samarpan/Jal-Samarpan or Offering water for drinking
Water is offered to Lakshmi Mata for drinking, cleaning hands and face along with sandal paste for anointing hands next in Laxmi Puja Vidhi. Chant the following laxmi poojan Mantra while offering the same:
Tatah Paniyam Samarpayami Iti Uttaraposhanam।
Hasta-Prakshalanam Samarpayami। Mukh-Prakshalanam।
Karodvartanarthe Chandanam Samarpayami।
29. Tambool-Samarpan or Offering Paan with Betel Nuts
A Tambool i.e. a Paan made with betel nuts, camphor and cardamom is offered next to Goddess Lakshmi to refresh her mouth while chanting following Mantra:
Poogi-Phalam Maha-Divyam, Naga-Valli-Dalairyutam।
Karpurailaa-Samayuktam, Tamboolam Prati-Grihyataam॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi Devyai Mukh Vasartham Poogi falam Yuktam Tamboolam Samarpayami ॥
30. Dakshina or Gift
As a part of Lakshmi Puja Vidhi, you should now offer a gift or Dakshina to Goddess Lakshmi while chanting the mentioned laxmi poojan Mantra:
Hiranya-Garbha-Garbhastham, Hema-Veejam Vibhaavasoh।
Ananta-Punya-Phaladamatah Shantim Prayachchha Me॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi Devayai Swarna Pushpa Dakshinaam Samarpayami ॥
31. Pradakshina or Donation
Now you must offer symbolic Pradakshina circumambulating from left to right of Shri Lakshmi. The dakshina or gift should be offered with flowers while chanting the below lakshmi puja mantra:
Yani Yani Cha Papani, Janmantar-Kritani Cha।
Tani Tani Vinashyanti, Pradakshinam Pade Pade॥
Anyatha Sharanam Naasti, Tvameva Sharanam Devi!
Tasmaat kaarunya-Bhaven, Kshamasva Parameshwari॥
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Pradakshinam Samarpayami ॥
32. Vandana-Sahit Pushpanjali or Praying while offering flowers
Next in this Lakshmi Puja Vidhi, pray or do Vandhana to the goddess and offer her flowers to while chanting following Mantra:
Kar-Kritam Vaa Kayajam Karmajam Vaa,
Shravan-Nayanajam Vaa Manasam Vaaparadham।
Viditamaviditam Vaa, Sarvametat Kshamasva,
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe, Shri Maha-Lakshmi Trahi।
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Mantra-Pushpanjali Samarpayami ॥
33. Sashtanga-Pranam or greet using eight limbs
Sashtanga Pranam is done with eight limbs to offer greetings to Shri Lakshmi while chanting the below lakshmi puja Mantra:
Om Bhavani! Tvam Maha-Lakshmih Sarva-Kaam-Pradayini।
Prasannaa Santushtha Bhava Devi! Namoastu Te।
॥ Anena Poojanena Shri Lakshmi Devi Priyataam Namo Namah ॥
34. Kshama-Prarthana or Asking for Forgiveness
To complete the Lakshmi Puja Vidhi, you must ask for forgiveness for any mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly during the Laxmi Puja Vidhi while chanting following lakshmi puja mantra.

Avahanam Na janami, Na Janami Visarjanam॥
Puja-Karma Na Janami, Kshamasva Parameshwari॥
Mantra-Heenam Kriya-Heenam, Bhakti Heenam Sureshwari!
Maya Yat-Poojitam Devi! Paripoornam Tadastu Me॥
Anena Yatha-Militopachaara-Dravyai Krita-Poojanena Shri Lakshmi-Devi Preeyataam
॥ Shri Lakshmi-Devyai Arpanamastu ॥
After performing the Laxmi Puja Vidhi, pay an ode to the Goddess Lakshmi by chanting the powerful and spiritual Laxmi Mata Aarti with vedic mantras while you do the laxmi poojan to bring good health, wealth and prosperity to your home.
You can recite the Laxmi Mata Aarti or play the Laxmi Mata Aarti at your home during the worship.
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata,Maiya Jai Lakshmi Mata
Tumko Nishidin Sevat,Hari Vishnu Vidhata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata
Uma Rama Brahmani,Tum Hi Jag-Mata
Surya, Chandrama Dhyavat, Naarad Rishi Gata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata
Durga Roop Niranjani,Sukh Sampatti Data
Jo Koi Tumko Dhyavat,Riddhi-Siddhi Dhan Pata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata
Tum Patal-Nivasini, Tum Hi Shubhdata
Karma Prabhav Prakashini, Bhavanidhi Ki Trata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata
Jiss Ghar Me Tum Rehti, Sab Satgun Aata
Sab Sambhav Ho Jata,Man Nahi Ghabrata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata
Tum Bin Yagya Naa Hote Vastra Naa Koi Paata
Khan Pan Ka Vaibhav, Sab Tumase Aata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata
Shubh-Gun Mandir Sundar,Kshirodadhi Jata
Ratna Chaturdash Tum Bin, Koi Nahi Pata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata
Mahalakshmi Ji Ki Aarti,Jo Koi Jan Gata
Ur Anand Samata,Paap Utar Jata
Om Jai Lakshmi Mata